April 2023
What is the Award
The Carlo Caldesi Award ( CCA ) honors the best big game trophy, in terms of difficulty of the hunt, rarity and score of the trophy, taken in one particular year by an active Member of Safari Club International ( S.C.I. ). The CCA is named after Dr Carlo Caldesi, one of the founding member and first President of the Italian Chapter, the only Italian to have achieved so far the highest honors in international big game hunting: being the recipient in 1981 of the “Weatherby Hunting and Conservation Award”, in 1983 of the S.C.I. Hall of Fame Award and in 1987 of the S.C.I. International Hunting Award. The Carlo Caldesi Award is a silver and bronze sculpture created by artist Corrado Gambotti, now made by master Maurizio Fusari (on the original design) that every year will be offered and ultimately given to the winner.
April 2023
1) Application
Applications are received (through the year) within January 31st of the year in which the Award will be assigned.
- The hunt must have been conducted under ethical and legally circumstances.
- The trophy must be of an indigenous animal and must be included in the accepted species of the S.C.I. Record Book at the time of submission.
- The trophy must have been hunted in a free range environment.
- The trophy may have been taken by any lawful method accepted by the SCI Record Book.
- The International Jury will be informed on the method used.
- The trophy must have been hunted during the two (2) full years preceding January 31st of the year in which the award will be presented.
- The same trophy can be entered only once.
Together with the application for the CCA the applicant has to accept and subscribe the attached agreement and send in to the Secretary of the CCA:
a field photo of the trophy with the hunter face clearly visible and recognizable.
an entry form as requested for the S.C.I. Record Book with species of animal, place and date taken.
measurement of the trophy signed by a Master Measurer of S.C.I.
measurement of antlered trophies must be signed by a committee of at least two measurers one of whom must be a Master Measurer of S.C.I.
a report of the hunt that includes methods of transportation, days hunted and any other pertinent information.
The application must be sent by Email to: to the Secretary of the Carlo Caldesi Award who will submit it to the Commission of the Carlo Caldesi Award.
Via A. Gramsci 9
Biella BI 13900 – Italy
Tel.+39.015351723 – +39.3397412221
2) Commission
It is composed of three (3) Members as follows: one (1) member of the Board of Directors of the S.C.I. Italian Chapter, Tiziano Terzi, one (1) member of the Caldesi family, Lodovico Caldesi, one (1) member appointed by the Board of Directors of the S.C.I. Italian Chapter who will have the task of International Coordinator, J. Alain Smith.
3) Selection Jury
It is made up of five (5) Members appointed by the Carlo Caldesi Award Commission.
Uberto d’Entreves, Luca Gaeti, Stefano Ricci, Giuseppe Pepe, Marco Cristoforetti.
The Selection Jury will receive all the entries and will select no more than twenty (20) trophies presented and will submit them to the International Voting Jury on the appropriate voting form.
This selection will be completed by February 28th.
All the selected candidates will receive a certificate.
4) International Voting Jury
It is composed of at least seven (7), but no more than fifteen (15) members, all appointed by the Carlo Caldesi Award Commission. They will remain in office for three (3) years and can be reappointed.
J. Alain Smith, Rex Baker, Dan Cabela, Janneke Dams, Miguel Estade, Arturo Gutierrez Sr, Bela Hidvegi, Ricardo Longoria, Jose Pepe Madrazo, Greg Murtland, Jeff Demaske, Alan Sackman, Brian Welker, Craig Willis.
Voting process
Each Member of the International Voting Jury will receive on the appropriate voting form, the list of the trophies indicating the killing method for each trophy, with relative photographs, and will not be informed of the name or nationality of the hunter. The rest of the documentation presented will be provided to each member of the jury who requests it.
The Members of the International Voting Jury will choose their favorite trophy considering the desirability, difficulty and quality of the trophy by filling up a voting form.
The form will also include a “quality” index for each trophy, obtained with a mathematical formula which considers the rank of the trophy in the S.C.I. Record Book and the number of entries (registered trophies of the same species) i.e.: rank of the trophy/ number of entries in the Record Book x 100 – 100. This index will only be informative for the judges and will not influence the final judgement.
The judge will express himself giving a decreasing vote, where the highest score will be for the best chosen trophy and the lowest the one he considers the least worthy.
Ties are NOT allowed.
The results of the selection must be communicated by each Member of the International Voting Jury to the CCA Secretary by email no later than March 31st.
A member of the International Voting Jury who twice, even if not consecutive, during his office does not send the form with his vote within the requested deadline or sends it with his votes in a way that does not comply with the provisions of the statute, will forfeit from office. The Secretary of the CCA will inform all the Members of the International Jury, the Commission of the CCA and the Board of Directors of the S.C.I. Italian Chapter.
The CCA Secretary will draw up a list specifying the votes for each trophy. The trophy with the highest score will win that year’s CCA.
In the event of a tie vote for two different trophies, the rank in the Record Book of the S.C.I. will be considered. And in the event of a further tie, the number of entries in the S.C.I. Record Book will be considered and will be chosen the one with the highest number of entries.
The list with the result of ballots will be sent to the Members of the International Jury.
By April 15th, the CCA Secretary will inform the hunter that he is the winner of the CCA and will invite him to attend the annual Carlo Caldesi Award Gala dinner where he will receive the CCA. During the Convention he will be hosted by the Carlo Caldesi Award.
The following five (5) runners up will receive a bronze trophy made in lost wax casting.
The Outfitters of the first 6 (six) trophies will receive a certificate.
Any dispute concerning the trophy will be defined on the basis of the classification of the SCI Record Book and further others will be defined in an irrevocable way by the Board of Directors of the S.C.I. Italian Chapter.
5) Award Ceremony
The winner of the CCA will be announced during a dedicated evening during the annual Italian Chapter Convention. The Carlo Caldesi Award will be presented by a member of the Caldesi family if present or in the absence by a Member of the Carlo Caldesi Award Commission, to the winner.
If the winner is not personally present at the CCA ceremony, he will not receive the Award, but his name will still be engraved on the sculpture.
To the five (5) runners up and to the six (6) outfitters, if not present, the bronze trophies and the certificates will be sent.
6) Fees
No fees or other contributions are required to participate in the CCA.
7) Rules
Should any judge of the International Voting Jury or any member of the Selection Jury of the Carlo Caldesi Award learns of unethical, illegal or questionable hunting activities or that the trophy itself has been altered, is required to notify the Secretary of the CCA who will inform the rest of the national or international judges or Commission members of such information.
The Members of the Commission, of the Selection Jury and the Members of the International Voting Jury can compete for the Award by refraining from voting for the Award of the year in which they participate and will avoid informing the other Members of the International Voting Jury of their eventual participation.
The Board of Directors of the S.C.I. Italian Chapter reserves the right to establish new rules as well as any changes to the regulation and will impose any dispute.